Monday, November 14, 2016

Monumental Marathon: 16 weeks rolled into less than 4 hours

16 weeks of 3:40 am Monday wake ups. 16 weeks of missed Saturday morning cartoons with kids. 16 weeks of mid week afternoon 10 mile runs at 90 degrees sometimes. All worth it. Can't say I loved every minute of training, but darn close. But our training and stellar weather truly made it a monumental day for us all.

Tons of training highlights were amassed over the last 16 weeks. Mileage records were made, alarms were set as early as 3:30, crazy 8's were established, and creative bathroom spots were found. Routing was like a physics problem and trains derailed us when on time crunches. Sometimes I wore the wrong shoes, but ultimately we were blessed by the absences of clown sightings. But most importantly we laughed...every freaking run.


Race day prep is always exciting and nerve racking. The expo is a mixed bag for me, excitement and nervousness. I do love going to the expo, but I quickly get overwhelmed by the wall to wall people. Heading down with Jenny versus my kids was much more enjoyable, (as I'm pretty sure Jude is banned from future Indy Mini expos). But photo ops with race numbers are a must.

Pre-gaming with the girls on race morning is a must! And the warm JW and stellar clean bathrooms are perfect! Despite my missing Roctane gel scare, pre-race was smooth : )

Mile 1-7:
Jen and I had planned to run together until the 1/2 turn off, holding around 8:30. We both felt great, running smart, making sure we slowed down if we were closer to 8:20. Jason and the kids were at mile 5 where Simon handed me my 1st of 4 very important apple sauces. I was feeling pretty confident at the first photo opt as you can see below.

Mile 7-13:
Sending Jen off at mile 7 was sad, as the miles flying by with her by my side. I felt pretty good she was half way to PR. I crossed the coveted half way mark in Broad Ripple at 1:49, 2 minutes slower than last year. But it was OK...I was running SMART, and knew I had a lot left. Just then this song was getting me ready for a strong second half, a song that would ultimately be my pick me up, (FYI, add it to your running playlist. Now. You can thank me later : )
Mile 13-21:
These miles went a MILLION TIMES better than last year. I felt strong and was still holding an 8;24 average. I was eagerly awaiting the IMA at mile 18, where my family would be and Jude would the the important task to hand me my next applesauce. Seeing them gave me a huge pick me up, and my random fastest mile of the race-what the heck...8:08 at mile 18?! I had no idea I was even going the fast. (And if I didn't mention it before, my family pretty much rocks-especially my kids posters : )

Mile 22-24:
My most dreaded stretch...Burdsal to Fall Creek takes FOREVER, and this is always the stretch that my shoulders start to hurt. And may pace start to drop closer to 9 and my right shoulder was KILLING me, my armband arm. Picking up my much needed apple sauce from the Ritter Cross Country team was a brief pick me up, but I was surely starting to enter the land of #strugglebus. But unless I pretty much stopped and walked, a PR was so happening. So I felt confident, and pushed on.
Mile 25-26:
Heading downtown I was hurting, my back was tightening up, but I was so close. I choked down one more gel and kept thinking I would see my family and friends in less than 20 minutes. Right as I was starting mile 26, my good friend Jenny flew past me, giving my some oomph to catch her. Running hundreds of miles with her this year, I knew I could keep up with her, giving me the drive to finish up with an 8:20 mile, and seeing Jason and the kids perfectly aligned as I rounded that final corner. And I love that Jen caught a picture of me smiling as a closed in on the finish line.

It ended up being a great day for all of us Runner Girls. We PR abundant with others helping others PR. And even though I really wanted that BQ, can't complain with a 4 minute PR at 3:43.42. And with that being my only PR of 2016, it was so awfully sweet. And I smiled a TON during this race. We had so much to celebrate with family and friends! Even more that Sarah made it back for her first "destination race."

And most importantly, I got my PR donut...and so did Jen! Jason even hooked me up with some Three Floyd's to celebrate! And Coney Dogs were even at the finish!

We could have not been more BLESSED with this day! The weather was perfect, our times were fast, and all the early mornings were well worth it. Congrats to my Runner Girls and all others, whether it was the 5K or full marathon, it was truly a monumental day, and another great day to race in Indy!