Friday, July 15, 2016

Indiana Women'a Trail Run: a couple falls, some blood, and a wrong turn

I was super stoked for my first trail run and get out of my comfort zone. With a few trails runs in and the mileage in, I felt fairly confident. And weather could not be more perfect. 

Even better, huge group of running girls represented!

The half marathon route was two loops.  The love between hills, rocks, flat road, uneven terrain, stairs, and marsh were abundant on the course. The first loop went well with one trip, along with the most flattering picture EVER taken of me running through the marsh. 

The second loop unfortunately did not go so hot. With two falls right away in mile 7, my confidence was shaken, with blood running down both hands. After reorientating myself, I some how made a wrong turn, quickly realizing this as I was running into the girls doing the quarter. (Which was absolutely confirmed when I was approaching the finish line and the Garmin only read 11). So I found a side trail, ran it back and forth till I got enough to finish my race. 

Even with the mishaps, I would definitely run this race again! How can you go wrong with an all women's race...and the swag rocked! Best of all had my family out to support me and my kids rocked their new shirts!

Monday, July 4, 2016

Morse Park Triathalon

it was a great day to get my first tri on for 2016. And with an agressive few days leading up, I had a pretty laid back attitude about this race. And for the first time ever at Triathalon, I felt old. Real old. And what else was bike. I feel this way a lot when I go to races, as my bike is not nearly as souped up as the other people in my rack; but I remind myself, doesn't matter how great your  bike is, if you don't ride it. 

Swim: First time EVER, I swam open water goggle-less, as they broke literally 90 seconds before I ran in the water. And honestly, it wasn't so bad. I actually swam straighter, as I could see better ☺️

Bike: I had loved this race because of its flat bike, but with intermittent gravel and less then optimal traffic control, I rode it safe. And the fact I was getting passed at a rediculous rate, I briefly got discouraged. But I reminded myself this is my weakest leg. 

Run: Easy peasy three miles, straight out and back. Super happy with my pace with a strong finish. 

Finished just 15 seconds slower than  two years ago. And I'm two years older.  #score. Other highlights included:

Jude was covered in bike grease, yet she never biked. 

My body marking was different then my actual number. My smartie pants husband pointed that out AFTER the race. 

And my favorite of kids cheered YOLO when I passed by them. My family sort of rocks ☺️