Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Miller Series 10-miler: Pace Prep

Sadly, it did not feel like the first weekend of April with a 19 degrees windchill, but being Indiana you should expect nothing less. Not much of a choice but to literally put on your big girl PANTS and get over it. And most importantly, have fun with it. 

I hadn't raced "alone" since Monumental, so I had nothing but 10 miles and my thoughts to work on my pace. It was also great to snap a picture with fellow ambassadors and do a race with my SIL Sarah!
Conditions were less than optimal, but doable. Made the executive decision my legs would be covered but ditched the gloves was a great plan. Regardless, partially rested, my goal was to hold 7:45. However, I got a little excited and went out to fast, (I know, huge shocker to all who know me : ) and the wind wasn't the most helpful. But when I saw my splits, all I could do was laugh. 
Regardless, nice little training run, because that's what it was. After a mile cool down I topped off a 30-mile week.  With the mini closing in, feeling like I'm in a pretty good place ☺️

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Shifting gears...literally: full to part-time work, running to triathlon mode

Summer is here! And for full-time,  working adults with no children that means not much. But when you are a school OT with kids, and a triathlete, lots is about to change. It's easier from the work end, but the training side gets crazier. And even though I only work two days a week, I have a husband who needs to be out of the house at 5:50. So 9 mile 4:15 runs are a legit reality. 

Swimming. Hands down my easiest sport. After swimming for 30 years and a college career, it's like the riding a bike analogy. You never forget. Actually I use the ex-boyfriend analogy: you were in it forever, because that was the best option. Then you broke up. But you can always go back to it when times gets tough to ground yourself, (I.e recovery workout after a long run).  Like an ex boyfriend, swimming is always there, consistent, and you expect very little from it. It's just natural. But sometime I literally feel like I'm just "using it" to solidify the first leg of my race, and love isn't truly there. 

Biking. Defiantly my weakest link, but love how much it challenges me physically and mentally. Biking is never a dull moment. It reves up my anxiety and at the same time heightens my confidence. (And so far this year I have been super confident in how to change a tire :-) But what I hate the most is this sport is so freaking weather dependent. Yes, there is always the dreaded trainer option, (which atleast allows me to get in my "Pretty Little Liars" screen time at 5 am...shhhh), but never an exciting option. Such a dreaded option, my friend Jenny and this evening thought we could beat or ride away from the storm, but not before sideways rain and hail.  But what doesn't kill us makes us stronger, right?
Running. My therapy and my best friend. The best part of running as its hands down the easiest to train for. I have made SO MANY amazing friendships over handles and hundreds of miles of dark-thirty runs. And with fast running paces on all my brick runs so far this summer, I'm excited to see what this final leg with bring. Another bonus...the only hands down way I can justify new shoes to my husband every 4-5 months without him batting an eye. 

So I'm ready to bring on tri season and all it's excitement and baggage. It's a delicate balance to sit down 9-10 workouts a week between family, work, and weather. But in the words of Steve Prefontaine, "to get anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift."